What is assisted living?
The Assisted Living Federation of America defines an assisted living residence as a
special combination of housing, personalized supportive services, and health care,
designed to meet the needs - both scheduled and unscheduled - of those who need help
with activities of daily living.
Who lives in assisted living centers?
Currently, more than a million Americans live in an estimated 20,000 assisted living
residencies. Assisted living residents can be young or old, frail or disabled.
A typical resident is a woman in her eighties and is either widowed or single.
Residents may suffer from mild dementia. Residents may also need help with mobility
or incontinence. We pride ourselves in the independent and functional group of
residents that we have here at West Wind. With the type of residents that we enjoy at
West Wind, we have no "lock down" or monitored system.
Is this like a nursing home?
We are different. You have the freedom to set your own agenda, just like home.
However, we take care of the basics of daily life. We assist you in this capacity on
a daily basis. This allows you to enjoy life on your own terms. You have the security
of a group setting with good lighting, around the clock staff and call system. You also
have the stimulation of social conversations and interaction with other active people.
You can still keep your car and come and go as desired. We even have garages available
for protecting your car and storing your belongings.
Committed to Excellence
Our promise is to provide a level of quality service that will insure that our residents
enjoy the life that they so richly deserve. Our satisfaction comes from knowing that
we have met or exceeded the quality of care that residents expect from West Wind Assisted
Living Center. We value the trust that our residents place in us and we strive daily
to maintain that trust. West Wind is committed to providing superior service, a
friendly/caring staff, and dignified housing to its residents. A building is just
a place to live, but when it is filled with family, it becomes a home. By providing
a setting that is warm and welcoming, we encourage family members to maintain a
strong bond with their loved ones. This includes participating in care planning
decisions. In this way, our residents can enjoy a lifestyle that is fulfilling and
enriching. At the same time, making assisted living open to family, helps promote
peace of mind for them because of their involvement.